元ページ名 : Main Page


iROデータベースリンク (英語)

Our site curently runs in conjunction with the iW Database here.

Sections (mouse-over for descriptions)

  • Basics
Introduction to Ragnarok Online
Getting Started : Useful tips for new players.
基本操作方法 : In-game commands and controls.
F2P : Free to Play servers with no subscription.
PK Servers× : Servers allowing Player Killing in maps outside PvP.
Servers× : List of worldwide Ragnarok servers, and general information about each.
Frequently Asked Questions
用語集 : A list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.

  • キャラクター
Levels : Basic leveling introduction and EXP tables.
狩場情報 : Where to level at what level as each class/build.
Experience : How EXP is calculated and modifiers.
職業 : Introduction to classes in Ragnarok Online.
Stats : Attributes that determine a character's strengths and weaknesses.
Skills : Skill usage and how they work.

  • システム
Drop System : How items are dropped from monsters.
Pet System : Tamable monsters become your companion and give Stat boosts.
Mail System : Easily transfer items and zeny to another account, and keep in touch with friends.
Marriage System× : If you have a sweetheart, you might consider marrying in RO.
Adoption System× : Players can choose to be adopted by a pair of characters that are married.
Mercenary System× : AI & player-controlled fighters.
Cooking System× : Give yourself a stat boost with tasty foods.
Book Reading System× : Allows certain books to be read in-game using a special interface.

  • ミニゲーム
Al de Baran Turbo Track× : Run through a 9-course track to claim various prizes.
Izlude Arena× : Battle monsters to earn points, go solo or bring some friends!
Hugel Minigames× : Win some prizes in Hugel by playing Bingo or betting on monster races!

Card System×
Card Reference× : Glossary of cards by type.
Refinement System× : Upgrade your weapon's attack strength.
Socket Enchant× : Add slots to certain equipment.
Hidden Enchant× : Add stat bonuses to certain armors.
Weapon Creation× : Create weapons with elemental attributes
Potion Creation× : Brew Potions and other items using commonly found items.

  • Misc
Renewal : Complete game-overhaul update.
Kafra Shop× : Learn about iRO's Item Mall.
Downloads× : Various Ragnarok resources available for download.
Useful Links

  • ワールド
World Map× : Map of the world of Ragnarok Online.
Rune-Midgarts Kingdom×
Republic of Schwartzvald×
Arunafeltz States×
Kafra× : Organization that provides services such as Storage and Teleportation between cities and dungeons.
Cool Event Corp× : Organization that provides services such as Storage and Teleportation between cities and dungeons.
Cat Hand Services× : Organization that provides services such as Storage and Teleportation between cities and dungeons.

Eden Group : A variety of quests designed to assist in early leveling.
入場クエスト : Table of restricted areas and the quests required to access them.
Quest Table : Easily sort through quests with experience rewards.
Instances : Special dungeons involving NPC-narrated quests.

  • Commerce× : Buying, Selling, and Trading items.
Auction System : Set up an auction for your extremely expensive items, winners will have the item mailed to them.
Buying Store : Shop that allows players to buy items directly.
Vending× : Shop that allows players to sell items directly.

  • PvP× : Player versus Player
Battlegrounds× : Duke it out with another team on special battle maps!
War of Emperium× : Guild vs. Guild combat.
War of Emperium 2× : Guild vs. Guild combat.
Castle Treasure× : List of each castle's treasure box drops.
Poring War× : Protect your team of Porings!
USRC× : Annual team PvP competition to select iRO's RWC representatives.

Elements : Relationships between magical elemental properties in the game.
Status Effects× : Status debuffs in general and how they work.
Status Icons× : Guide to the various on-screen icons.

  • Grouping× : Gives basic information on parties and guilds.
パーティ : Level up together, sharing EXP and Drops.
Guild System× : Battle in War of Emperium and donate EXP to the cause.


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最終更新:2014年08月08日 14:13

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