Base Level : 99
Job Level : 70
Class : Ninja
アイテム : Iron Ore ??個, Iron ??個, Steel ??個, Rough Oridecon ??個, Rough Elunium ??個

アイテム : Kurenai または Huuma Shadow
クエスト報酬 : Kagerou または Oboro への転職

+ ← クリックで目次を開く


1. Amatsu× にある Ninja ギルドに戻る。隠し通路に入ると同時に会話を立ち聞きする事になる

2. Ninja ギルドの主要エリアに Wall with a Drawing (20,71 ・ Master Armor Craftman の後ろ) がある

Choose to touch the drawing with your hand.
選択肢で touch the drawing with your hand を選ぶ ・・・?

3. In this new room, talk to the Old Man. Choose "I am a ninja" when able.
これによって入った新たな部屋で Old Man と話す。選択肢に "I am a ninja" が出たら選ぶ ・・・?

4. Continue to talk to Old Man until you have the choice to ask for his teaching.
ask for his teaching という選択肢が出るまで彼と話を続ける ・・・?

Amatsu へ転送で戻される

5. Old Man の所へ戻って再び話を続け、彼の言う4つの試練について尋ねる

6. 更に Old Man と話すと3つの試練から1つを選ぶ事が出来る*1


Ninja 教官の Cougar がいる部屋へ送り出される。10問の出題に回答して9問は正解しなければならない

下記のリストの内からランダムで10問出題される :

1) What is the attack effect for Haze Slasher level 4?
Haze Slasher level 4 の攻撃倍率はどれか
2) How many hits does a Throw Kunai give to a monster?
Throw Kunai ではモンスターに何回攻撃が当たるか
3 times
3) Which of the following correctly matches material needed to make a Icicle Kunai?
Icicle Kunai 作成に必要な材料として正しいのは以下の内どれか
8 Nimbus Shuriken, 2 Ice Stones
Nimbus Shuriken 8個, Ice Stone 2個
4) You are creating a weapon for huge monsters. What is the best card to use?
対大型モンスター用の武器を作成する。何の Card を使うのが最良か
Minorous Card
5) What is the basic attack range for Throw Shuriken?
Throw Shuriken の基本射程距離はどれか
9 Blocks
6) What is not the effect you get after reaching the STR status?
STR ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Magic attack increase
7) What is not the effect you get after reaching the AGI status?
AGI ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Accuracy increase
8) What is not the effect you get after reaching the VIT status?
VIT ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Attack increase
9) What is not the effect you get after reaching the INT status?
INT ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Staff attack increase
Staff で殴った場合の攻撃力の増加
10) What is not the effect you get after reaching the DEX status?
DEX ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Evasion increase
11) What is not the effect you get after reaching the LUK status?
LUK ステータスを伸ばした場合の効果でないのはどれか
Accuracy increase
12) How much money is used for Throw Coins level 6?
Throw Coins level 6 には幾らの金が使われるか
3000 ~ 6000
13) Which of the following Kunai will give the most damage to the ground property monster, Porcellio?
Ground 属性のモンスターである Porcellio に最も多い被害を与える Kunai は以下の内どれか
Heat Wave Kunai
14) How long is the effect time for the Watery Evasion level 7 skill?
スキル Watery Evasion level 7 の効果持続時間はどれだけか
45 seconds
15) What is the attack range when you master Flip Tatami?
Flip Tatami を極めた場合の攻撃射程距離はどれか
16) What is the maximum moving range of Shadow Leap?
Shadow Leap での最大移動距離はどれか
17) What weapon cannot be made by the blacksmith Khaibara?
鍛冶屋の Khaibara が作れない武器は何か
Huuma Wing Shuriken
18) What level do you have to be in Dagger Throwing Practice in order to learn the Throw Coins skill?
スキル Throw Coins を習得する為には Dagger Throwing Practice が何レベルでなければならないか
19) Which of the following is not an effect of the Watery Evasion skill?
スキル Watery Evasion の効果でないのは以下の内どれか
VIT decrease
VIT の減少
20) What is the highest job level for a ninja?
Ninja の最高 Job レベルはどれだけか
21) What is the property of the Lightning Jolt?
Lightning Jolt の属性は何か
22) How much does STR/INT go up when Ninja Aura level 5 is used?
Ninja Aura level 5 が使われると STR / INT はどれだけ上がるか
23) What is the maximum hit number for Blaze Shield level 10?
Blaze Shield level 10の最大ヒット回数はどれだけか
24) You are creating a weapon for mid-sized monsters. What is the best card to use?
対中型モンスター用の武器を作成する。何の Card を使うのが最良か
Skel Worker Card
25) When your First Wind is at level4, what will go with the MATK and range?
First Wind のレベルが4である時、MATK 倍率と射程距離はどれだけになるか
MATK500, 8 blocks
MATK 500%, 8ブロック
26) You need a catalyst to use ninja skills. Which of the following skills does not need a catalyst?
Ninja スキルを使う為には触媒が必要だが、以下の内で触媒の不要なスキルはどれか
Flaming Petals
27) Which of the following blacksmiths do not create ninja items?
以下の鍛冶屋達の中で Ninja 用アイテムを作らないのは誰か
28) What is the attack range for the Exploding Dragon?
Exploding Dragon の攻撃範囲はどれだけか
5x5 cell
29) How many skill points do you need to master the Throw Coins skill?
スキル Throw Coins を極める為にはスキルポイントが幾つ必要か
30) Which of the following skills can't you learn at Dagger Throwing Practice level7?
Dagger Throwing Practice がレベル7の場合に習得出来ないスキルは以下の内どれか
Throw Coins
31) If Dagger Throwing Practice is at 7, how much ATK is added to Shuriken attacks?
Dagger Throwing Practice がレベル7の場合、幾らの ATK が Shuriken の攻撃力に追加されるか
32) Which NPC promotes you?
お前を促す NPC はどれか ・・・?
33) How much power is in the Huuma Blaze Shuriken weapon?
武器 Huuma Blaze Shuriken にはどういう能力があるか
Fireball 5, Dex -2
34) How many skill points do you need to master the Cicada Skin Shed?
Cicada Skin Shed を極める為にはスキルポイントが幾つ必要か
35) You are hunting the Orc Warrior. Which Kunai would you use?
お前は Orc Warrior 狩りをする。どの Kunai を使う?
Heat Wave Kunai
36) Which of the following is the best skill to use when attacking a ground property enemy?
Ground 属性の敵を攻撃する時に最良のスキルは以下の内どれか
Exploding Dragon
37) How do Ninjas get promoted?
Ninja 達はどのようにして昇級するか ・・・?
38) What is the name of the suspicious man you can meet during the Ninja job change quest?
Ninja 転職クエストの間に会う事が出来る胡散臭い男の名前は何というか
Red Leopard Joe
39) Which Ninja Mastery skill level do you need to learn the Exploding Dragon skill?
スキル Exploding Dragon の習得に必要な Ninja Mastery のスキルレベルはどれか
40) What is the level of Dagger Throwing Practice you have to reach to learn the Killing Strike skill?
スキル Killing Strike を習得する為に上げなければならない Dagger Throwing Practice のレベルはどこまでか
41) Which catalyst do you need to use the Blaze Shield skill?
スキル Blaze Shield を使うのに必要な触媒はどれか
Flame Stone
42) Which of the following is the correct number of Evasion and effect duration for Mirror Image level 10?
Mirror Image level 10の回避回数と効果持続時間の正しい数値は以下の内どれか
Up to 5 and 240 seconds
43) Which of the following matches are incorrect for skill and property?
Freezing Spear-Ground
44) How much power is in the Murasame weapon?
武器 Murasame の能力はどれだけか
Human critical +10
45) Which village is the Ninja Guild located in?
Ninja ギルドのある村はどれか
46) You are creating a weapon for small monsters. What is the best card to use?
対小型モンスター用の武器を作成する。何の Card を使うのが最良か
Desert Wolf Card
47) What is the most important aspect of increasing ATK for the Killing Strike skill?
スキル Killing Strike の ATK 増加させる上で最も重要な観点は何か
Max HP
48) You need to equip a card to your shoes to enhance Killing Strike attack. Which of the following is the appropriate card to equip?
Killing Strike の攻撃力を強化する為、靴に Card を挿す必要がある。挿すのに適切な Card は以下の内どれか
Matyr Card
49) What was next to me when you first met me?
A brazier
火鉢 ・・・?
50) What is the DEX + LUK total for a Job Master?
Job を極めた場合に DEX と LUK を足した合計は何になるか


変わっているのは、100 "ライフポイント" (LP) を与えられてサイコロを振る毎に1 LP ずつ消費されていくという事だ
プレイヤーは LP を使い切らない内に40番目のマスに着く必要がある

You can get sent back spaces, get sent ahead spaces, be forced to play "rock, paper, scissors" which can result in getting sent ahead or sent back, get cursed and be unable to continue the game for 2 minutes, forced to spend additional LP to roll a dice, or have to pay an amount of life points to do any of the proceeding things.


止まったマスの指示によってマスを戻される、先のマスに進む、ジャンケンを強要され結果によってマスを進退する、呪われて2分間ゲームが中止される、振ったサイコロの目の数だけ LP を引かれる、または進む為の条件として LP を消費する等のイベントがある ・・・?

Block 01: Sets life to 100.
100 LP もらう
Block 09: Roll a dice
Block 17: Block 25: Immobilized 2min.
Block 33: Pay all remaining LP and move to Block 39
残り LP を全部消費して Block 39に進む
Block 02: Block 10: Block 18: Block 26: Block 34:
Block 03: Pay 5 LP.
5 LP 消費
Block 11: Block 19: Block 27: Restore 7 LP.
7 LP 回復
Block 35:
Block 04: Can pay 5 LP to leave your name.
5 LP 消費でマスに名前を残せる ・・・?
Block 12: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Block 20: Restore 7 LP
7 LP 回復
Block 28: Install a trap for 10 LP or Roll a dice
罠を仕掛ける為に10 LP 消費かサイコロを振る
Block 36:
Block 05: Pay 5 LP or wait 2min.
5 LP 消費か2分間休み
Block 13: Restore 7 LP
7 LP 回復
Block 21: Pay 10 LP to roll.
サイコロを振る為に10 LP 消費
Block 29: Block 37:
Block 06: Restore 7 LP
7 LP 回復
Block 14: Pay 5 LP or wait 2min.
5 LP 消費か2分間休み
Block 22: Block 30: Go back to Block 09.
block 9 に戻る
Block 38:
Block 07: Block 15: Immobilized 2min.
Block 23: Block 31: Block 39: If you roll a 3, you get sent back to block 3.
サイコロを振り3が出たら block 3 に戻る
Block 08: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Block 16: Block 24: Block 32: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Block 40: Finish line

Test of Weaponry


Melting Metal: If you are not getting past this point, it is because you are not inputting similar materials or enough of them. Putting in just iron ore for example takes about 20 ores. About 7 steel will do it instead. You can also do a combination of "similar" items such as 6 steel and 3 iron ore and it will continue.


Forging: Once you've input enough raw materials in to be melted, you will be asked whether you wish to make a dagger or a shuriken. Next, you will be asked to grind and temper the weapon. You must grind it and then temper it in turn a LOT! If you do not grind or temper it enough, the item will explode when you wish to put the finishing touches on it. It appears to be random how many times you have to grind and temper the weapon, sometimes it will work with only one grind and temper. If you fail this step, you will have to go back to the "Melting Metal" step.

Refining: After forging your weapon, Red Panther Joe will tell you it's not good enough yet. You need to get the weapon to at least +7 before Joe will accept it. Talk to him with the weapon equipped. He will give you the weapon back with your name on it.
  • If you chose to make a kunai, you will be awarded a Kurenai with your name on it.
  • If you chose to make a shuriken, you will be awarded a Huuma Shadow with your name on it.

Test of Battle (Final Test)

The final test is similar to other job change tests where your goal is to locate a monster named "Family Secret" and kill it. There are dozens of similarly named monsters. You must kill the properly named one and speak to the instructor Gion to continue. You will be changed to Kagerou/Oboro after completing this task.

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Categories: Quest Window Quests | Ninja

最終更新:2013年02月19日 18:31

*1 どれから始めるか選ぶ?