• 訳注 : 出題順を見た感じ、jRO と同じようだったので クエスト案内所 と同じ配置の表記も掲載しておく
+ Prontera の問題から始まる出題セット

問題 答え
問1 Choose the item that the Gift Merchant in Prontera does not sell.
Prontera の Gift Merchant が売っていないアイテムを選べ
問2 Choose the city where users cannot purchase a Stiletto from an NPC.
NPC から Stiletto を買えない街を選べ
問3 Choose the closest city to Turtle Island.
Turtle Island に最も近い街を選べ
問4 Choose the monster that is a different type than the others.
問5 Choose the monster that has a different attribute than the others.
問6 Choose the monster that is different sized than the others.
問7 Choose the monster which doesn't drop "Alcohol".
"Alcohol" をドロップしないモンスターを選べ
Poison Spore
問8 Choose the NPC that is irrelevant to the Knight Job change quest.
Knight の転職クエストに関係無い NPC を選べ
Thomas Servantes
問9 Choose the NPC that is not a citizen of Prontera.
Prontera の住民でない NPC を選べ
問10 Choose the right name for the Kafra lady who wears glasses.
眼鏡を掛けた Kafra lady の正しい名前を選べ
問11 How much SP is spent to use lvl 7 Thunderstorm?
Thunderstorm レベル7を使った時の消費 SP は幾つか
問12 Choose the right amount of damage reduction and SP consumption of the Energy Coat skill when the caster's remaining SP is 50%.
Energy Coat 使用時 SP 残量が50%だった場合の、ダメージ軽減率と消費 SP 割合の正しい組み合わせを選べ
Damage - 18% SP 2%
問13 Choose property that is irrelevant to "Bolt" type skills for the Mage Class.
Mage 用スキルについて、"Bolt" 型の物が無い属性を選べ
問14 Choose the right chance and attack strength for lvl 7 Double Attack, the Thief skill.
Thief 用スキル Double Attack レベル7の、発動率と攻撃倍率の正しい組み合わせを選べ
35% / 140%
問15 Choose the skill that is irrelevant to learning Magnus Exorcismus, the Priest skill.
Priest 用スキル Magnus Exorcismus の習得に無関係なスキルを選べ
Divine Protection
問16 Choose the correct defense and ability of Bunny Band.
Bunny Band の、防御力と付加能力の正しい組み合わせを選べ
2 / LUK +2
問17 Choose the class that cannot equip Padded Armor.
Padded Armor を装備出来ない職を選べ
問18 Choose the item that cures all abnormal status and restores full HP and SP at the same time.
全ての状態異常を回復し、同時に HP ・ SP を全快するアイテムを選べ
Yggdrasil Berry
問19 Who rules the Rune-Midgarts kingdom right now?
現在 Rune-Midgarts 王国を統治しているのは誰か
Tristram the 3rd
問20 Choose the god of Crusaders.
Crusader 達の信仰する神を選べ

+ Geffen の問題から始まる出題セット

問題 答え
問1 Choose the item that the Magical Tool Merchant in Geffen does not sell.
Geffen の Magical Tool Merchant が売っていないアイテムを選べ
問2 Choose the city where users cannot purchase Blade from an NPC.
NPC から Blade を買えない街を選べ
Al De Baran
問3 Choose the closest city to Glast Heim.
Glast Heim に最も近い街を選べ
問4 Choose the monster that is a different type than the others.
問5 Choose the monster that has a different attribute.
問6 Choose the monster that is different sized.
問7 Choose the monster which does not drop "Phracon".
"Phracon" をドロップしないモンスターを選べ
Savage Bebe
問8 Choose the NPC that is irrelevant to the Blacksmith job change quest.
Blacksmith の転職クエストに関係無い NPC を選べ
問9 Choose the NPC that is not a citizen of Al De Baran.
Al De Baran の住民でない NPC を選べ
問10 Choose the Kafra lady who is the youngest one among the staff.
Kafra 従業員の中で最も若い Kafra lady を選べ
Curly Sue
問11 Choose the correct SP consumption and the number of evasions when using Safety Wall lvl 6.
Safety Wall レベル6使用時の、消費 SP と防御回数の正しい組み合わせを選べ
SP 35, 7 Times
問12 Choose the correct amount of magic attack for Napalm Beat lvl 6.
Napalm Beat レベル6の魔法攻撃倍率で正しいものを選べ
MATK * 1.3
問13 Choose the catalyst stone for Mage Solution no. 4, which is used for the Mage job change quest.
Mage 転職クエストで使われる Mage Solution no.4の触媒になる石を選べ
問14 Choose the correct attack strength and SP consumption for Bash lvl 6 (Swordsman skill).
Bash (Swordsman 用スキル) レベル6の、攻撃倍率と消費 SP の正しい組み合わせを選べ
280% / 15
問15 Choose the skill that is irrelevant to learning Claymore Trap, the Hunter skill.
Hunter 用スキル Claymore Trap の習得に無関係なスキルを選べ
Remove Trap
問16 Choose the correct defense and ability of Wedding Veil.
Wedding Veil の、防御力と付加能力の正しい組み合わせを選べ
0 / MDEF +5
問17 Choose the class that cannot equip Coat.
Coat を装備出来ない職を選べ
Mage (iRO: Novice)
問18 Choose the item that is not an ingredient for Blue Dyestuffs.
Blue Dyestuff の原料にならないアイテムを選べ
問19 When the world was created by the god Odin, what did he use for the material?
神 Odin が世界を創造した時、何を材料として使ったか
The Heart of Ymir
問20 Choose the metal that was rumored to bring fortune and fame to a person with the destiny.

+ Morroc の問題から始まる出題セット

問題 答え
問1 Choose the jewel that the Morroc Jewel Merchant does not sell.
Morroc の Jewel Merchant が売っていない宝石を選べ
問2 Choose the city where users cannot purchase Monster's Feed from an NPC.
NPC から Monster's Feed を買えない街を選べ
Al De Baran
問3 Choose the closest city to the Maze.
Maze (地下水路?) に最も近い街を選べ
問4 Choose the monster that is a different type than the others.
問5 Choose the monster with a different attribute than the others.
問6 Choose the monster that is different sized than the others.
問7 Choose the monster which does not drop "Yggdrasil Leaf".
"Yggdrasil Leaf" をドロップしないモンスターを選べ
問8 Choose the NPC that is irrelevant to the Priest job change quest.
Priest の転職クエストに関係無い NPC を選べ
Sir Windsor
問9 Choose the NPC that is not a citizen of Morroc.
Morroc の住民でない NPC を選べ
問10 Choose the Kafra lady who has gorgeous blue hair.
ステキな青い髪をした Kafra lady を選べ
問11 Choose the skill that is irrelevant to learning Fire Wall, the Mage skill.
Mage 用スキル Fire Wall の習得に無関係なスキルを選べ
Level 4 Napalm Beat
問12 How much SP can be restored when learning SP recovery at Level 6 (without being affected by INT)?
SP recovery をレベル6まで習得した場合の SP 回復量は幾らか (INT による影響を除く)
問13 How many INT points can a Mage receive as a bonus at Job Level 33?
Job レベル33の Mage に付く INT 補正は幾つか
問14 Choose the correct SP consumption and skill duration for Improve Concentration lvl 5 (Archer skill).
Improve Concentration (Archer 用スキル) レベル5の、消費 SP と持続時間の正しい組み合わせを選べ
45/80 Sec
問15 Choose skill that is irrelevant to learning Maximize Power, the Blacksmith skill.
Blacksmith 用スキル Maximize Power の習得に無関係なスキルを選べ
Skin Tempering
問16 What is the correct defense rate and ability of Cute Ribbon?
Cute Ribbon の、防御力と付加能力の正しい組み合わせはどれか
1 / SP +20
問17 Choose the class that cannot equip Saint Robe.
Saint Robe を装備出来ない職を選べ
問18 Choose the abnormal status that cannot be cured by Green Potion.
Green Potion で回復できない状態異常を選べ
問19 Choose the correct name for the ancient kingdom that disappeared somewhere in Geffen.
Geffen のどこかにある、消失した古代王国の正しい名前を選べ
問20 Choose the correct name for the tree that became the source of life of this world.
最終更新:2015年06月20日 07:23