Butcher [0] Quest

Base Lv : 68
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Orc Claw 1000個, Skel-Bone 1000個
Zeny : 100,000 Zeny

アイテム : Butcher [0]

1. Einbroch (einbroch 136,199) の Gunslinger Guild に入り、入り口近くにいる En. Aey (que_ng 149,178 : Researcher と
いう NPC)*1と話す
選択肢で Butcher を指定すると、彼女はプレイヤーキャラの強さを見るテストだと言って Orc Claw Skel-Bone
必要アイテムを渡した上で制作料を払うと Butcher [0] が手に入る
  • 警告 : これを達成した流れで更に Butcher [1] を作りたいなら、この NPC とは再び話さない事
    彼女との会話で他の武器を選んでしまった場合、その武器を完成させるまで手持ちの Butcher [0] を Butcher [1] に

Butcher [1] Quest

Base Lv : 68
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Butcher [0] 1個, Coal 20個, Oridecon 1個, Steel 10個, Elunium 2個,
                 次の内どれか1種類を30個 : Blind Sphere , Flare Sphere , Freezing Sphere , Lightning Sphere , Poison Sphere

アイテム : Butcher [1]

1. Speak to Uncle Harrison in Lighthalzen (205,284). He'll notice the player's Butcher and ask to try it out. Give it to him.

2. Speak to him again to find out that he ultimately broke it. However, he is willing to repair it with 20 Coal , 1 Oridecon , 10 Steel , 2 Elunium , and a special trigger that only Dr. Selena can make, and loans the player his Crimson Bolt .

3. Go to the Gunslinger Guild in Einbroch (136, 199) and talk to Researcher En. Aey at the entrance (149, 178). She'll hear the story and will ask for some help in her research on elemental spheres in order to give her the time locate a trigger for the player.

4. Bring her any 30 of any one kind of elemental spheres ( Blind Sphere , Flare Sphere , Freezing Sphere , Lightning Sphere , or Poison Sphere ) and she'll thank the player for their help, giving them a trigger that she found in Selena's office.

5. Return to Lighthalzen and speak to Uncle Harrison again with the necessary materials and he'll take back his Crimson Bolt as well as fix the Butcher, returning it to you with an extra slot.

Destroyer [0] Quest

Base Lv : 無し
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Rusty Screw 70個, Used Iron Plate 50個, Oridecon 5個
Zeny : 100,000 Zeny

アイテム : Destroyer [0]

1. Einbroch (einbroch 136,199) の建物内にいる Vanessa (que_ng 185,180)*2と話して必要アイテムを渡す

Destroyer [1] Quest

Drifter [1] Quest

Base Lv : 56
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Coal 70個, Steel 70個, Oridecon 3個, Rusty Screw 50個, Elunium 5個
Zeny : 50,000 Zeny

アイテム : Drifter [1]

1. Einbroch (einbroch 136,199) の建物内にいる En. Aey (que_ng 149,178 : Researcher という NPC) と話して必要アイテムを渡す

Garrison [1] Quest

Base Lv : 無し
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Coal 50個, Steel 50個, Oridecon 1個, Rusty Screw 20個, Elunium 3個
Zeny : 30,000 Zeny

アイテム : Garrison [1]

1. Einbroch (einbroch 136,199) の建物内にある Gunslinger Guild に入って裏手に回り、Garrison (182, 85)*3と話して

Garrison [2] Quest

Base Lv : 55
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Coal 30個, Steel 10個, Rusty Screw 10個, Emveretarcon 10個, Elunium 1個
Zeny : 無し
クエストを受ける際の前提 : アイテム欄に Garrison [1] を所持している事

アイテム : Garrison [2]

1. Enter the Gunslinger Guild in Einbroch (136, 199) and go to the back to talk to Garrison (182, 85). Garrison may ask for the character to be higher than level 55, which is the required level for a gunslinger to equip a Garrison. He'll ask you to assist him in repairing some Six Shooters one of his customer's is requesting to have repaired, and then he'll request the 30 Coal, 10 Steel, 10 Rusty Screw, 10 Emveretarcon , 1 Elunium.

2. Give him the required items. He'll then ask you to deliver the repaired Six Shooters to Raabe (322, 246) in the Lighthalzen Slums. Raabe will attempt to kill you, thinking you're Garrison.

3. Return to Garrison and he'll upgrade one Garrison that is in the player's inventory. He'll choose one at random so, be sure to not have a carded or upgraded Garrison in your inventory. After the first upgraded Garrison [1] is made, the slotting ability will be available when speaking with Garrison. The items consumed will be required for each slot upgrade request.

Inferno [1] Quest

Base Lv : 無し
Job Lv : 無し
職業 : Gunslinger
アイテム : Rusty Screw 50個, Burning Heart 100個, Used Iron Plate 100個, Oridecon 10個
Zeny : 200,000 Zeny

アイテム : Inferno [1]

1. Einbroch (einbroch 136,199) の建物内にいる Ingrid (que_ng 187,163)*4と話して必要アイテムを渡す

Categories: Gunslinger | Item Mixing | Quests

最終更新:2016年06月04日 09:33

*1 入り口から左上へ曲がった先の角の所

*2 入り口から左上へ曲がって左側の壁沿いに歩き、分岐を右上へ行った角にいる

*3 入り口から左へ曲がって左側の壁沿いに歩く形 [分岐では右上] でマップ右上へ行き、入り口対辺の廊下にあるポータルを下りた先の部屋にいる

*4 入り口から左へ曲がって左側の壁沿いに歩く形 [分岐では右上] でマップ右上へ行き、入り口対辺の廊下にあるポータル前にいる