元ページ名 : RE:Start

Ragnarok RE:START について

昔ながらの MMORPG であるRagnarok Online、その懐かしさを Ragnarok RE:START で体験しましょう!
iRO の進化して行くサーバーは、先ず開設当初の2003年へ私達を引き戻し、新要素とアップデートを、初めての時と同じように経験して
友達とパーティを組み新鮮な気分で進化する世界を冒険する為に、Rune Midgard へ戻ってキャラクターを作りましょう

冒険の日々を始める何百万人もの Novice 達を見て来た Training ground からスタートします
楽しみと利益を求めて死ぬ程危ない怪物を狩ったり、クエストを通して Midgard の伝承と歴史を学んだりしましょう!
プレイヤー達の回す経済に加われば、金銭感覚の優れた人なら、モノを売って所持 Zeny 量を増やしたり、レアアイテムを他の冒険者達から

RodEx や Achievement といった便利な機能が一通り揃っている為、友達付き合いや他人との競い合いを通して、ゲーム内で最高の冒険者に
Ragnarok RE:START のサーバーには毎月新しいダンジョン ・ モンスター ・ エピソードが加わり、一歩ずつ現在の Ragnarok Online の

  • 訳注 : 上記の Training grounds は旧日本版と NPC 配置等が異なっている


  • 2-1次職までのみ実装される*1
  • 出現モンスターの配置は Comodo パッチ実装時のものになる
    • モンスターのドロップ品には Strawberry 他、当時のドロップ仕様とは合わない物がある

Game Mechanics

  • Classic から採られる仕様
    • Classic EXP Table
      (未確認ではあるが、thRO の RevoClassic サーバーでの98→99の必要 EXP 250万が Battle manual の優遇策で変更されたかも
      知れないという噂が出てはいる.**まだ WarpPortal は EXP テーブルを公開していない)
    • モンスターの EXP はレベル変動制ではなく、 Classic DB と同様のデータが使用される
    • モンスターの HP も同上
    • RESTART Field Spawns (リンク無効.Classic DB へ飛ばされる)

  • Renewal から採られる仕様
    • Element ダメージの対応テーブル
    • ATK×/mATK×
    • Hit×/Flee× with a sight change.
      厳密な Hit / Flee の算出法は [(Renewal でのモンスターのレベル) - (Classic でのモンスターのレベル) = X] とした場合
      [(Renewal での Flee または Hit) - (X) = (Restart での Hit / Flee)]
    • Def×ense
    • Heal× の回復量
    • 詠唱時間 (固定詠唱時間は除去される)
    • 武器 ・ 防具の精錬 (Refinement× ・ 強化限界地が+10を越える)
    • モンスターのドロップテーブル (例: Strawberry)


Mechanics Difference of Classic and Renewal

1. モンスターを狩る時 Renewal でのプレイのようなキャラクターのレベルによる制限を受ける事は無い
Poring や Spore その他のモンスターを倒した場合でも、キャラがどんなレベルであろうと同様の EXP が入る
  • これはキャラのレベルが低い場合でも、倒すのが困難な高い EXP を持つモンスターを始末出来るのであれば、Renewal でのプレイより
    だが必要 EXP のテーブルはレベルが高くなる程に急角度な曲線を描くようになり、レベルの上がりが悪くなり続けて行く・・・95以上では

2. 一旦 EXP 効率の高い狩り場で稼ぐ事が出来るようになると、その場所から河岸を替える必要が無くなり、レベル上げ作業は Renewal より
  • もし、とあるキャラがレベル70の時点で、その職にとって EXP / 時間 の効率が最高なマップで狩れるなら、99になるまでそこに居着く事に

3. Classic players will find themselves wanting to upgrade their weapons to higher ATK and mATK weapons rather than looking for the weapon with the most slots.
Renewal 化前に (以前から Renewal で?) プレイしていた人達はスロット数の多い武器でなく ATK や mATK のより高い武器を調達したいと

Renewal 仕様では Card 数が与ダメージ計算に大きな変化をもたらしている

  • 計算方法を見たい場合は、iRO Wiki の Renewal 用 wiki をチェックするのがいい
    基本的に与えるダメージの主要素は ATK / mATK であって、Card の効果は計算の全体には影響せず部分的に適用される

4. 大体の場合において ATK / mATK 主体の武器の方がキャラステータスの INT / DEX / STR より重要になる
  • 例 : R化前の計算方法に見られた HIT への"DEX ボーナス"を既に必要としない為、Archer 系の職にとってはスロット付き Bow Thimble
    2つの方がスロット付き Glove 2つより有用になっている

5. Defense on an item is not as strong as it is in classic. While equipping npc gears for basic defense early on is helpful, the model of +20 gear was made for renewal to expand the difficulty of getting very high hard defense. Campitor on WarpPortal confirmed that getting above +10 will be possible.

6. Shadow element armor from Bathory Card is not as useful as it once was for classic players, it no longer blocks status effects.

7. Healing will feel greatly nerfed to classic players. Not only does healing require mATK weapons to improve effectiveness, but it doesn't gain as much boost from INT as Classic. On the bright side, you won't have to wait for certain level+int milestones to obtain larger heals. Each int adds more effectiveness.

8. Using renewal's hit/flee mechanic has kinda been awkward. I'm seeing a lot more "miss" on attacks vs things I should be able to easily hit on a classic server. However, I'm also not being HIT as much as I would be with classic mechanics. Flee has a better calculation for renewal, but the hit requirements of Renewal just doesn't fit some monsters quite right.

9. Magic users (people with cast times in general) will be a lot weaker than they were in classic. While mages get the boost of bolts being cast much faster, reaching instant cast will be impossible, even at 150 dex. The fixed cast time found in traditional Renewal has been removed for the time being, making it possible to get faster casting than you would see on Renewal with the same amount of dex, but it is still not wise to max dex on a caster assuming you'll eventually be able to cast instantly. Cast speed also is effected by int+dex in this equation.


1. What is Ragnarok RE:START?
  • Ragnarok RE:START is a special server that will launch with game content only consisting of the Rune Midgard Kingdom. Over time, each future episode will be released onto the server. This allows players to enjoy the game content as it evolved over time.

2. What content is on the server?
  • Ragnarok RE:START will launch with only the Rune Midgard kingdom. The merchants of Prontera, Payon, Morocc, Alberta, and Geffen will all be ready and waiting to do business with adventurers of all types.

3. Will there be an Item Mall?
  • Yes! The Ragnarok RE:START item mall will offer a variety of cosmetic items, consumables, and other useful items. Almost everything available in the item mall can also be earned through game play.

4. Why do I need a new account?
  • Ragnarok RE:START is a new kind of server with its own unique settings and systems, and we are treating it as a whole new game. A new account is required so we can bring a unique experience with its own item mall and pricing schemes.

5. What happened to my old characters?
  • Characters made on previous servers still exist, but they will not be playable on or transferable to Ragnarok RE:START. However if you are looking for them and you previously played on iRO, your characters should still exist on their servers! Just head on over to either Chaos, Thor, or Classic Loki using the normal client download and installation links.

6. Will there be other servers?
  • Currently there are no plans to launch other progression servers. However, if Ragnarok RE:START is popular, we may end up launching a new server in the future.

7. What is VIP?
  • VIP is a paid subscription service that boosts your play experience with Ragnarok RE:START. Accounts with an active VIP subscription receive boosts such as extra experience points, increased item drop rate, reduced death penalty, increased storage, special item exchange systems, and much more.

8. How long will the server last?
  • The first RE:START server will receive monthly updates as it approaches the Ragnarok of today. There are no plans to merge or close this server down.

9. How is the gameplay different from the existing servers?
  • Ragnarok RE:START removes the level difference penalty from Renewal and rebalances all first and second class skills after cast delay timers. Most monsters are returned to their pre-Renewal spawn locations and statistics. Lastly - Izlude, Alberta, Prontera, and Morroc cities have not yet undergone their drastic changes.

10. What are the game mechanics?
  • Ragnarok RE:START uses renewal damage and defense formulas.

11. Who can play?
  • Generally any one who can currently register and play iRO will be able to register a Ragnarok Online RE:START account. However, unfortunately due to our obligations with overseas partners, users registering from the Philippines will not be to create new Ragnarok Online RE:START accounts.

12. When can I play?
  • Users may begin playing around 5:30pm on 6/27/2017 as part of our Headstart event! The server will officially launch on 7/5/2017

13. What will the refine system be like?
  • We will be using the current refine rates. Refinement items such as ore will be available from both the cash shop and in game activity.

14. Can items be refined beyond 10?
  • Yes.

15. What will be the sources of MVP Cards?
  • From game play only.

16. What is the update schedule.?
  • We will be following a very similar update path to the "REVO-Classic" style servers.

Category: General Information

最終更新:2017年12月19日 11:47

*1 '17/12/18現在、2-2次職も実装済み

*2 但し宝箱探し要素は無い模様