Base Level : 70
アイテム : Jellopy 300個, Emerald 1個, Ruby 1個
狩り対象 : Mobster 50 体
Base Exp : 132,000 (VIP : 198,000)
Job Exp : 42,000 (VIP : 63,000)
クエスト報酬 : New World への入場

日本版タイトル : 異世界

1. Prontera× 城にいる Recruiter for the Brave (prt_castle 83, 67 : Prontera 市街から城内に入った場合、最初の部屋の北西隅) と話して
彼の募集している「特別な場所」の探訪という仕事に興味を持ったと伝えると、Aldebaran× の Promotional Staff の所へ行くように言われる

2. Aldebaran の Promotional Staff (aldebaran 127, 138) と話すと、テストとして Jellopy 300個を持って来るように言われる
Jellopy を渡すと Geffen の Promotional Staff を訪ねるように指示される

3. Geffen で Promotional Staff (geffen 90, 67) と話すと Emerald を1個持って来いと言われる
それを渡した後 Ruby を1個持って来るように言われる
Ruby を渡すと彼から Izlude にいる Staff Member と話して来いと送り出される

4. Izlude の Promotional Staff (izlude 99, 136) に話し掛ける
最低でも Base Level が70になっていれば、彼から、テストには合格したので Prontera 城の Recruiter と再び話すようにと言われる

5. Recruiter の所へ戻ると、これでお前が Rune Midgard とは全く別の世界、"Ash-Vacuum" の探索に向かう為の準備は整ったと言われる
彼は United Midgard Alliance への登録手続きの為、Lighthalzen に行けとも言う

  • Base EXP 66,000 (VIP は99,000) を獲得
  • Job EXP 21,000 (VIP は31,500) を獲得

6. In Lighthalzen, go into Rekenber HQ (lighthalzen 101, 246) and talk to the Guards upstairs (lhz_in01 124, 234), who let you in to register.

7. Talk to Sikaiz at the front of the room, who's giving a speech.

8. After Sikaiz is finished lecturing, speak to him again and he will tell you about the Ash Vaccum and Satan Morroc's gateway.

9. Speak to him again and he will ask you to inform the Alliance Manager in Rune Midgards that they are ready to depart.

10. The Alliance Manager in Prontera Castle (prt_castle 121, 51) will discuss with you how the kingdom feels about the upcoming expedition.

11. Go back to Sikaiz in Lighthalzen, who tells you about the Three Kingdom's Alliance and his aide Munkenro. Munkenro interrupts your conversation and you're asked to deliver a message to the Alliance Manager in Rachel×.

12. Find the Arunafeltz Alliance Manager outside the temple ( ra_temple 119, 113) and report the status to her.

13. Go back to Sikaiz, who registers you and sends you to talk to some Officers to let them know of your departure. Go downstairs to the banquet hall (147, 179) and talk to them, but first you overhear them plotting to ignore the peace and take control of things for themselves.

14. Report back upstairs, but the guards won't let you in. Walk to (148, 257), where you're able to overhear Munkenro talking to someone.

15. Talk to the Guard outside of the lecture hall (lhz_in01 130, 231). Ask it to teleport you immediately to the Continental Guard Quarantine ( moc_fild20 ), and talk to the Rift Guard (moc_fild20 349, 179). He takes you to the Dimensional Gorge.

16. From the middle of the right side of the map, go towards the center until you reach Munkenro (moc_fild22b 230, 197). He says Sikaiz has "retired" and that he is now the alliance leader. He also requires you to pass another test, by defeating 50 Mobsters .

17. After passing the test, talk to Munkenro again, who sends you to the Ash-Vacuum.
  • Receive 66,000 (99,000 VIP) Base EXP
  • Receive 21,000 (31,500 VIP) Job EXP

Categories: Quest Window Quests | Job Experience Reward | Base Experience Reward | New World Quests | Ash Vacuum Quests

最終更新:2013年03月03日 12:26