

特殊設定説明・コマンド」(2011/02/27 (日) 16:44:21) の最新版変更点



**■業績 業績プラグインというのを入れています。 ||入力コマンド|説明| |/stats||| ||/stats|プレイヤーが今まで行った行動をステータス表示します。| ||/stats [player name]|指定プレイヤーの行動を表示します。| |/played||| ||/played|プレイの総時間表示。| |/stats||| ||/ach|獲得した業績を表示します。| ||/listach|業績のリストを一覧表示します。| ||/checkach|業績をアップデートします。| 以下にその一覧を公開します。 ※クライアントのアップデートや環境の設定により、途中進めていた業績結果が消える事もありうるので そのあたりはご了承ください。 1:50k Walker!:1:stats:move:50000:You have walked 50,000 feet!:item diamondchestplate 1 1:100 Grand:1:stats:move:100000:You have walked 100,000 feet!:item diamond 10 1:200k Steps:1:stats:move:200000:You have walked 200,000 feet! WOW...:item glass 200 1:ONE MILLION FEET:1:stats:move:1000000:You have walked 1,000,000 feet! You are God.:item diamond 64 1:What's above god?:1:stats:armswing:100000:You have swung your arms 100,000 times! I'm shocked. Figuratively.:item diamond 20 1:What is this I dont even...:1:stats:armswing:200000:You have swung your arms 200,000 times! Christ!:item diamond 30 1:Dear lord:1:stats:armswing:500000:You have swung your arms 500,000 times! OMFG!:item diamond 50 1:FUCK:1:stats:armswing:1000000:You have swung your arms 1,000,000 times! You are now God.:item bedrock 500 1:Frequent Flyer:1:stats:login:40:You have logged in 40 times!:item pumpkin 6 1:200 logs:1:stats:login:200:You have logged in 200 times!:item mobspawner 2 1:Aww Nutsack:1:stats:login:1000:You have logged in 1,000 times!:item diamond 64 1:Sup Creeper!:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:10: Take 10 creeper damage:item bread 2 1:Invisible Mobs!:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:20: Take 20 creeper damage:item bread 2:Sup Creeper! 1:Fucking Creepers...:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:40: Take 40 creeper damage:item bread 2:Invisible Mobs! 1:It was lag:1:deaths:total:50:Die a lot:item ironboots 1 1:You talk too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:20000:Awarded for typing 20k chat letters!:item diamondboots 1 1:You talk way too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:30000:Awarded for typing 30k chat letters!:item goldpickaxe 1 1:You really talk way too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:40000:Awarded for typing 40k chat letters!:item diamondpants 1 1:50k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:50000:Awarded for typing 50k chat letters!:item sponge 6 1:60k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:60000:Awarded for typing 60k chat letters!:item lightstone 64 1:70k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:70000:Awarded for typing 70k chat letters!:item netherstone 64 1:80k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:80000:Awarded for typing 80k chat letters!:item diamond 10 1:90k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:90000:Awarded for typing 90k chat letters!:item goldblock 10 1:100k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:100000:Awarded for typing 100k chat letters!:item diamond 20 1:110k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:110000:Awarded for typing 110k chat letters!:item goldblock 10 1:120k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:120000:Awarded for typing 120k chat letters!:item coal 5 1:140k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:140000:Awarded for typing 140k chat letters!:item coal 5 1:150k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:150000:Awarded for typing 150k chat letters!:item diamondpickaxe 1 1:160k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:160000:Awarded for typing 160k chat letters!:item diamondhoe 1 1:Let there be light!:1:blockcreate:torch:100:Placed 100 torches.:item lightstone 10 1:Can you see this from space?:1:blockcreate:torch:1000:Placed 1,000 torches.:item diamondhelmet 1 1:Free Diamond Pickaxes:1:blockcreate:cobblestone:1500:Placed over 1,500 blocks of cobblestone.:item diamondpickaxe 2 1:I was raised in the slop:1:blockcreate:dirt:1000:Placed 1,000 blocks of dirt.:item diamondshovel 1 1:Well Read:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:5:Placed 1 Bookshelf.:item irondoor 2 1:Higher Learning:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:50:Placed 2 Bookshelves.:item minecart 2 1:I like to cut my pappy:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:100:Placed 4 Bookshelves.:item bookshelf 50 1:Mending Fences:1:blockcreate:fence:50:Placed 50 Fences.:item watch 1 1:And the cow jumped over the...fence??:1:blockcreate:fence:250:Placed 250 Fences.:item lightstone 64 1:How much wood...:1:blockcreate:wood:1500:Placed over 1500 wood.:item goldrecord 1 1:Glass Blower:1:blockcreate:glass:1500:Placed over 1,500 glass blocks.:item goldhoe 1 1:Building the Chunnel!:1:blockdestroy:rock:1000:Mined 1,000 Smooth Stone.:item diamondpickaxe 1 1:Smokey the bear hates you:1:blockdestroy:log:500:Chopped 500 wood.:item ironaxe 2 1:Global Warming:1:blockdestroy:log:1000:Chopped 1,000 wood.:item diamondaxe 1 1:TIME TO REPLANT:1:blockdestroy:log:1500:Chopped over 1,500 wood!:item diamondaxe 2 1:Off roading:1:blockdestroy:dirt:1000:Dug up 1,000 dirt.:item diamondshovel 1 1:I need to wash my hands now:1:blockdestroy:dirt:1500:Dug up over 1,500 dirt!:item diamondshovel 2 1:I suck at placement:1:blockdestroy:cobblestone:1000:Mined 1,000 Cobblestone.:item goldpickaxe 1 1:Oops, I did it again:1:blockdestroy:cobblestone:1500:Mined over 1,500 Cobblestone.:item goldshovel 1 1:7 days:1:stats:playedfor:604800:Have your play time make 1 week:item diamond 10 1:Now thats Hot:1:damagetaken:lava:1:Take lava damage:item waterbucket 1 1:Americas Most wanted:1:kills:total:250: Kill 250 monsters :item diamond 15 1:I kill shit:1:damagedealt:total:2000: Deal 2000 damage:item arrow 200 1:Cold Blooded:1:damagedealt:total:4000: Deal 6000 damage:item arrow 500 1:I like to fry:1:damagetaken:fire:500: Catch on fire numerous times:item snowblock 10 1:Slaughterhouse:1:itempickup:pork:50: Pickup 50 pieces of Pork:item goldsword 1 1:You are literally made of dicks:1:stats:lighter:15:PissLizard Achievement:item lever 2 1:If only I had a record:1:blockcreate:jukebox:1:Well...:item greenrecord 1 1:Slimes? lol:1:itempickup:slimeorb:5:Useless:item slimeorb 5 1:Hmm...I've stopped liking the idea:1:blockdestroy:bookshelf:4:Not sure why though...:item diamondaxe 1 1:Lightstone:1:blockcreate:lightstone:10:I like it too:item lightstone 64 1:There's issue with the circuit:1:blockdestroy:redstonewire:50:Ah, there we go.:item redstonewire 64 1:Welcome Visit:1:stats:login:1:Joined this server for the first time:money 1000 1:Treekiller!:1:blockdestroy:log:5:Destroyed 5 logs:money -100 **■SignEdit カラー [[カラー表>http://wom.thatgamer.com/colorguide.php]] &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br()
**■業績 業績プラグインというのを入れています。 ||入力コマンド|説明| |/stats||| ||/stats|プレイヤーが今まで行った行動をステータス表示します。| ||/stats [player name]|指定プレイヤーの行動を表示します。| |/played||| ||/played|プレイの総時間表示。| |/stats||| ||/ach|獲得した業績を表示します。| ||/listach|業績のリストを一覧表示します。| ||/checkach|業績をアップデートします。| 以下にその一覧を公開します。 ※クライアントのアップデートや環境の設定により、途中進めていた業績結果が消える事もありうるので そのあたりはご了承ください。 1:50k Walker!:1:stats:move:50000:You have walked 50,000 feet!:item diamondchestplate 1 1:100 Grand:1:stats:move:100000:You have walked 100,000 feet!:item diamond 10 1:200k Steps:1:stats:move:200000:You have walked 200,000 feet! WOW...:item glass 200 1:ONE MILLION FEET:1:stats:move:1000000:You have walked 1,000,000 feet! You are God.:item diamond 64 1:What's above god?:1:stats:armswing:100000:You have swung your arms 100,000 times! I'm shocked. Figuratively.:item diamond 20 1:What is this I dont even...:1:stats:armswing:200000:You have swung your arms 200,000 times! Christ!:item diamond 30 1:Dear lord:1:stats:armswing:500000:You have swung your arms 500,000 times! OMFG!:item diamond 50 1:FUCK:1:stats:armswing:1000000:You have swung your arms 1,000,000 times! You are now God.:item bedrock 500 1:Frequent Flyer:1:stats:login:40:You have logged in 40 times!:item pumpkin 6 1:200 logs:1:stats:login:200:You have logged in 200 times!:item mobspawner 2 1:Aww Nutsack:1:stats:login:1000:You have logged in 1,000 times!:item diamond 64 1:Sup Creeper!:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:10: Take 10 creeper damage:item bread 2 1:Invisible Mobs!:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:20: Take 20 creeper damage:item bread 2:Sup Creeper! 1:Fucking Creepers...:1:damagetaken:creeperexplosion:40: Take 40 creeper damage:item bread 2:Invisible Mobs! 1:It was lag:1:deaths:total:50:Die a lot:item ironboots 1 1:You talk too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:20000:Awarded for typing 20k chat letters!:item diamondboots 1 1:You talk way too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:30000:Awarded for typing 30k chat letters!:item goldpickaxe 1 1:You really talk way too fucking much:1:stats:chatletters:40000:Awarded for typing 40k chat letters!:item diamondpants 1 1:50k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:50000:Awarded for typing 50k chat letters!:item sponge 6 1:60k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:60000:Awarded for typing 60k chat letters!:item lightstone 64 1:70k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:70000:Awarded for typing 70k chat letters!:item netherstone 64 1:80k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:80000:Awarded for typing 80k chat letters!:item diamond 10 1:90k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:90000:Awarded for typing 90k chat letters!:item goldblock 10 1:100k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:100000:Awarded for typing 100k chat letters!:item diamond 20 1:110k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:110000:Awarded for typing 110k chat letters!:item goldblock 10 1:120k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:120000:Awarded for typing 120k chat letters!:item coal 5 1:140k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:140000:Awarded for typing 140k chat letters!:item coal 5 1:150k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:150000:Awarded for typing 150k chat letters!:item diamondpickaxe 1 1:160k Chat letters:1:stats:chatletters:160000:Awarded for typing 160k chat letters!:item diamondhoe 1 1:Let there be light!:1:blockcreate:torch:100:Placed 100 torches.:item lightstone 10 1:Can you see this from space?:1:blockcreate:torch:1000:Placed 1,000 torches.:item diamondhelmet 1 1:Free Diamond Pickaxes:1:blockcreate:cobblestone:1500:Placed over 1,500 blocks of cobblestone.:item diamondpickaxe 2 1:I was raised in the slop:1:blockcreate:dirt:1000:Placed 1,000 blocks of dirt.:item diamondshovel 1 1:Well Read:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:5:Placed 1 Bookshelf.:item irondoor 2 1:Higher Learning:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:50:Placed 2 Bookshelves.:item minecart 2 1:I like to cut my pappy:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:100:Placed 4 Bookshelves.:item bookshelf 50 1:Mending Fences:1:blockcreate:fence:50:Placed 50 Fences.:item watch 1 1:And the cow jumped over the...fence??:1:blockcreate:fence:250:Placed 250 Fences.:item lightstone 64 1:How much wood...:1:blockcreate:wood:1500:Placed over 1500 wood.:item goldrecord 1 1:Glass Blower:1:blockcreate:glass:1500:Placed over 1,500 glass blocks.:item goldhoe 1 1:Building the Chunnel!:1:blockdestroy:rock:1000:Mined 1,000 Smooth Stone.:item diamondpickaxe 1 1:Smokey the bear hates you:1:blockdestroy:log:500:Chopped 500 wood.:item ironaxe 2 1:Global Warming:1:blockdestroy:log:1000:Chopped 1,000 wood.:item diamondaxe 1 1:TIME TO REPLANT:1:blockdestroy:log:1500:Chopped over 1,500 wood!:item diamondaxe 2 1:Off roading:1:blockdestroy:dirt:1000:Dug up 1,000 dirt.:item diamondshovel 1 1:I need to wash my hands now:1:blockdestroy:dirt:1500:Dug up over 1,500 dirt!:item diamondshovel 2 1:I suck at placement:1:blockdestroy:cobblestone:1000:Mined 1,000 Cobblestone.:item goldpickaxe 1 1:Oops, I did it again:1:blockdestroy:cobblestone:1500:Mined over 1,500 Cobblestone.:item goldshovel 1 1:7 days:1:stats:playedfor:604800:Have your play time make 1 week:item diamond 10 1:Now thats Hot:1:damagetaken:lava:1:Take lava damage:item waterbucket 1 1:Americas Most wanted:1:kills:total:250: Kill 250 monsters :item diamond 15 1:I kill shit:1:damagedealt:total:2000: Deal 2000 damage:item arrow 200 1:Cold Blooded:1:damagedealt:total:4000: Deal 6000 damage:item arrow 500 1:I like to fry:1:damagetaken:fire:500: Catch on fire numerous times:item snowblock 10 1:Slaughterhouse:1:itempickup:pork:50: Pickup 50 pieces of Pork:item goldsword 1 1:You are literally made of dicks:1:stats:lighter:15:PissLizard Achievement:item lever 2 1:If only I had a record:1:blockcreate:jukebox:1:Well...:item greenrecord 1 1:Slimes? lol:1:itempickup:slimeorb:5:Useless:item slimeorb 5 1:Hmm...I've stopped liking the idea:1:blockdestroy:bookshelf:4:Not sure why though...:item diamondaxe 1 1:Lightstone:1:blockcreate:lightstone:10:I like it too:item lightstone 64 1:There's issue with the circuit:1:blockdestroy:redstonewire:50:Ah, there we go.:item redstonewire 64 1:Welcome Visit:1:stats:login:1:Joined this server for the first time:money 1000 1:Treekiller!:1:blockdestroy:log:5:Destroyed 5 logs:money -100 **■SignEdit カラー &blanklink(カラー表){http://wom.thatgamer.com/colorguide.php} &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br() &br()

