Night Bird

「Night Bird」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Night Bird」(2011/06/23 (木) 19:35:53) の最新版変更点



曲名:Night Bird 原曲:夜雀の歌声~Night Bird+もう歌しか聞こえない アルバム:永 -TOKOSHIE- サークル:SOUND HOLIC 歌、編曲:709sec. 歌詞: I can't stop listening to Night Bird sing a song with a curse if I stop my ears Crazy night, I just want to listen to a tender curse ? Through the night, I just want the voice She's just my Night Bird ! I just want a tender song with a bad poison I just want her singing voice to be my only I'm gonna be crazy to see her sing only Nothing to get but a curse I know but cat't stop my own 'Cause she makes my eyes be blind tonight, her voice's the only I can find in the night darkness Blinded eyes must be blind and blind by a tender curse Through the night, I'm blind through the night She's just my Night Bird ! I just want a tender song with a bad poison I just want her singing voice to be my only I'm gonna be crazy to see her sing only Nothing to get but a curse I know but cat't stop my own Why can't I see insanity tonight ? Why can't I find my own way tonight ? It's cause of Night Bird who's singing a tender curse I lost my way to let me go back Why can't I see insanity tonight ? Why can't I find my own way tonight ? It's cause of Night Bird who's singing a tender curse I lost my way way behind I just want a tender song with a bad poison I just want her singing voice to be my only I'm gonna be crazy to see her sing only Nothing to get but a curse I know but cat't stop my own I just want a tender song with a bad poison I just want her singing voice to be my only I'm gonna be crazy to see her sing only Nothing to get but a curse I know but cat't stop my own




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